There’s no need to spend your hard earned cash on a body scrub. Sure there are plenty of luxe versions on the market that might smell great, but it’s so easy to make your own at home instead. This one is chock-full of ingredients you can actually pronounce okay, there are only three but still-you can control exactly what goes in. So you know that all you’ll be getting is a skin-smoothing scrub with no irritation from fragrance or mystery ingredients. Here’s how to whip up a quick body scrub with ingredients you’ll find right in your pantry.
Gather Your Supplies

When you see how simple this list of ingredients is, you’ll be ready to prepare these body scrubs as gifts for everyone you know. You can customize this list down to just the bare minimum if you’re in a pinch and just need something to slough off dead skin! Here’s what you’ll need:
- Epsom salt
- Coconut oil
- Small bowl
- Printed paper
- Scissors
- 4 oz. canning jar
- Permanent marker
Very good for my skin. Irish spring caused allergic type reactions. Artfuly for men was a great cureall Kazzie R.
Using an old spoon or a large popsicle stick, spoon the mixture into the glass jar. Leave the cap off until you have the decorative elements set. Trace the interior of the lid onto your decorative craft paper. Cut out the shape, write the name on it and place it in this order on the jar. So it should go interior lid, paper label, and then the screw-on exterior lid. If you want, you can add a ribbon or any sort of decorative elements you want. Enjoy!
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